*** Taare Zameen Par ***

Taare Zameen Par is an awesome movie. I just finished watching.

Few movies are made which are acclaimed by everyone. I’ve yet to meet someone who says he/she didn’t like the movie. Now I know the reason. I doubt I’ll ever find someone. 
It’ll be one of my all time favorites.

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Market Timing #1

It has happened twice now. Yes, both the times the Indian Markets have crashed in the last six months, I sold off all my stocks just about a week before the fall. So that’s great news. Luckily I got rid of the stocks at the right time. Some instinct allowed me to time the market by exiting at the right time.

But the motivation behind the selling was to free some cash to apply for IPOs. That holds up the cash for 2-3 weeks, and I am not able to take the advantage of the stock market crash. There are […] Continue Reading…

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Posts and Profession

The new year hasn’t been forgiving at all. Three weeks and no post! That itself tells the story. Good that I didn’t make a new year resolution to put up a post every week at least.  

I have as many as 4 articles at the ‘draft’ stage. Two of them are at the ‘conceptualization’ stage! Unfortunately a couple of them are technical in nature, and are held up for some simple validations before I publish them. I need 3-4 ‘quality hours’ if I have to publish those. And I am not able to do this for about two weeks […] Continue Reading…

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On New Year Resolutions

Just as I write this, I am keeping an eye on the television and seems everyone but me has made some New Year Resolution! Right from cine stars to sports person to common people, everyone has something or the other to put up as the New Year Resolution. Interestingly, with every year, these resolutions are becoming more and more innovative. Why shouldn’t it be? One must have a cool sounding resolution. Whether or not one lives up to it is a different matter altogether. While among friends this topic always comes up, especially towards the end of the […] Continue Reading…

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Re: Sometimes losers win

While going through this post,  Sometimes losers win which crisply explains how (smart)losers  win sometimes by re-defining winning as being losers,  I got reminded of an age-old wisdom story which goes like this:
Akbar,  who was a successful and able King was known for his witty questions and Birbal, one of his favorite courtiers was known to counter and solve those with compelling reasoning. On one such occasion, to test Birbal’s wit, he drew a line and asked Birbal if he could shorten the line without touching it! Birbal quickly drew another line bigger than the one Akbar did and […] Continue Reading…

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