Say ‘Yes’ to ‘No’

How many times you have found yourself in a flux because you accepted to do something half heartedly? How many times has it happened that you are a part of a situation which you shouldn’t have been? How many times you want to run away from what you are doing just because you don’t like what you are doing?

If the answers to these remind you of quite a few instances in your life then continue, else this post is not meant for you.

I have had numerous such instances throughout my life, and today, when I sit and analyze, more […] Continue Reading…

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“The Triviality of Everydayness”

“Man must believe in realities outside his own smallness, outside the ‘triviality of everydayness’, if he is to do anything worthwhile.”

Colin Wilson (The Occult, 1971)
How often do you feel that life has become dull and monotonous and find yourself stuck in a similar situation everyday? Surroundings don’t change, people around you don’t change: the only thing which changes is the Date! Things which once looked challenging become your daily cup of tea…Everything and everyone looks so familiar that you no longer feel their presence around you….you start cursing anything and everything…..and the list goes on…..

This is precisely the […] Continue Reading…

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Weekend | Defined

I was trying to define a weekend for quite sometime now. Finally I’ve come up with an explanation:
If on any given day, @3 P.M. in the afternoon, you are free to do whatever you want and at the back of your mind you know that you are off work the very next day, you’ve just had a weekend!
I am pretty convinced with this theory and now I know that if I have to have a week-endish feel, I need to wrap up my work by 2 P.M. every Saturday. Friday is out of question, so please don’t ask about […] Continue Reading…

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The Dell Vostro 1500 Review


 I recently got my hands on a Dell Vostro 1500. While detailed reviews can be obtained by a bit of googling, I’ll quickly put my views.

Guys it’s heavy! So if you are planning to buy a pair of dumbbells you can safely drop that idea as you wouldn’t feel the need for it once you get a Vostro! Jokes apart, it is definitely on the heavier side but has a solid, built-to-last kind of feel.

This is what I have:
Processor : Core 2 Duo 1.6 Ghz


Graphics : nVidia Go 8400m (Dedicated)
And the remaining standard features […] Continue Reading…

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WordPress 2.3 | Tagged

I just modified my theme to display ‘tags’ instead of ‘categories’ along with the post heading. It was pretty simple with the built in tag-support in WordPress 2.3. While I am yet to get used to the framework, tagging came easy with the following function:
<?php the_tags(‘before’, ’separator’, ‘after’); ?>
which iterates and displays all the tags for the post separated by the ‘separator’. ‘before’ and ‘after’ are the text enclosing the tag list. In my case they are blank.

Now that encourages me to play around with the php code, at least till I break something 😉

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